Чемпионат России по РБ - 2002 - Кинешма
05 Июнь 2010 | ГалереяФоторепортаж Чемпионата России по рукопашному бою, проводившегося в г. Кинешме Ивановской области в мае 2002 г.
Фоторепортаж Чемпионата России по рукопашному бою, проводившегося в г. Кинешме Ивановской области в мае 2002 г.
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FILTHYDELPHIA! These chicks sarecm HOOD . Is it just me or does it seem like BRENDA definetly had something to prove. There uis definetly some insecurity issues present. The dress and 6k loubs were beautiful, we cant argue with that! But the hair was ashy as hell, and the makeup was not enough. Shes not a pretty kinda girl at all, but then shes not ugly. As for Hood Barbie to the left, The dress looked like some shit you could find in Ardenb and the loubs did not go good with this dress. The makeup was WOW.I can tell she prolly did it herself. As for Mr CherryPOOP..LOL I dont care how much it cost IT WAS A MESS! THE JACKET WAS HORRIBLE AND THATS THE BOTTOM LINE! And did you see his swimwear. It look like some stuff you get for free when you buy some shit! I think he wants to be Brenda. Word of advice lose the drag ladies. As for lena shes better off without them! She was the prettiest out of all of em, and it really shows. By the way who wants to be labeled as a slave when you ladies still live int he city,and dont even own a thing. Fuckin and suckin your way to the top is not the business ladies! GET AN EDUCATION!
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